About Us



The BSA Owners Club of Queensland was founded by Fred Jupe, Billy and Colleen Johnson and Des King around 2003.

The very first meeting of the newly formed BSA Owners Club of Qld was held on the veranda of Fred’s Runaway Bay home.  There were 7 members to start which included Pat Erst, David Cornell and Geoff White. Billy was elected President with Fred taking on the role of Treasurer and Des the club Secretary.  It wasn’t very long before illness forced Fred to switch to the Secretary role. He continued to be the club secretary until 2015.

Fred recalls that Des passed away in the early years of the club. That was followed by the death of Bill just before the 2nd National Rally. In 2016 the Queensland group hosted it’s 3rd National Rally. Fred recalls he and his wife making the Rally Banner at home on a cotton sheet with paints. Fond memories were made in the planning, preparation and execution.

Over the years our membership has remained constant with members located right across the State. At the moment we have 30 financial members and 1 life time member (Fred Jupe). Our furthest member is located on Groote Island.

Our BSA (plus anything British) Rally is held on the 3rd weekend in May each year at Yallakool Park on Bjelke Petersen Dam at Murgon. This was recently moved from September due to it’s closeness to the National Rally.  They are certainly a great time.

The Rocket is our newsletter and is issued to members in both paper and email format. Along with this website you can find us on Facebook.  Search for the BSA Owners Club of Queensland and join our group.

Club meetings are held on the 3rd Sunday of each month at Station 4207 Cafe, Beenleigh Historical Village, 205 Main  St Beenleigh. Starting at 9am.  Rides will be planned to depart following the meeting and everyone is welcome to join in.



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